Airport Love

XXL Airport Love

XXL all sports united. New commercial “Airport Love” was created for the sports and outdoor market in Norway, Sweden and Finland. The films message is that sport is for everyone, no matter what team you play for. The film premiered at the same time as the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi.
Of many talented athletes in the film, there are also three Norwegians: Former world champion Anders Solum (freestyle football), Edward Strand (alpine) and Sune Wentzel (frisbee) all impress with spectacular stunts.

The music of the film is written by Tommy Tysper, Swedish songwriter and producer, now living in Los Angeles, California. Tommy writes and produces songs for numerous artists and has had several Top-10 hits on the Billboard charts in the United States.

Responsible for XXL Tom Erik Kjønø

Advertising agency: Schjærven reklamebyrå
Account director: Ole Marius Simonsen
Creatives: Jon Erik Skiælder og John Draleke
Agency producer: Gard Andreassen

Production company: Camp David, Stockholm
Producer: Kalle Wessblad
Director: Bjørn Stein og Måns Mårlind

Location: LLeida airport, Spain
Filming: 15. — 18. Desember 2013
Line producer: Dominic Bolus, Widescope Productions
Post production: The Chimney Pot, Stockholm


La Norvegia risponde alle leggi anti gay russe

L’indignazione generale per le leggi russe che vietano la cosiddetta propaganda omosessuale, continua a farsi sentire. Così, XXL, un grande rivenditore di attrezzature sportive diffuso nei paesi scandinavi, ha girato questo spot per sostenere le lotte delle comunità LGBT contro iltrend omofobo russo che sta caratterizzando le Olimpiadi Sochi 2014.

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